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AC Giveaway

Gering June AC Giveaway 2024

Gering Valley will be giving away a brand new AC system to one deserving family. This giveaway includes the AC plus full installation!

Listed are the three finalists below, read a little bit about their story and vote for the one you think deserves it most!


June 17th and June 21st

Winner Announced:

June 25th


Deadline: Must enter by June, 14th

Value of Prize: There is no value you can put on giving the gift of comfort.

Eligibility: The nominee must be within service areas to be entered to win. Candidates must be the homeowner and live within 50 miles of Scottsbluff NE.

Selection Process: 3 finalists will be chosen by a committee of 3-4 people which will include the GVP staff members. After the 3 finalists are chosen they will be posted to our Facebook page. We will then open up voting on our website to determine the winner. A home audit will be performed on all 3 finalists to ensure their unit doesn’t include any disqualifications (details below).

Property Disqualification: The property must be located within 50 miles of Scottsbluff NE and the candidate must be the homeowner. The structure cannot be a mobile or modular home, and the duct system must be in good condition and sized properly to accommodate the new system GVP will install. The condition of the home must be good and have no major structural issues that would cause the system not to be able to perform as designed or put GVP employees in danger. GVP will perform a home audit for all 3 finalists to ensure they meet this criteria.

Other: Winner agrees to allow Gering Valley Plumbing & Heating to use their story, images and video without compensation or restrictions. June AC Day Giveaway is a one-time gift. It does not include financial assistance for future replacement, repairs, maintenance or operating costs. Depending on the actual work performed, the part may be covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. No other warranties or guarantees apply.

No purchase required to enter.

AC Giveaway Winner

Jon and Ellie Cummings

They are expecting their first child and have had a rough go of things recently. Their ac system is so old that companies will not touch it due to the Freon in use being illegal now. They were also recently in a car accident and will now have that to pay for on top of everything. They are the most kind and generous people I know, and are very deserving of this!